TurfMend Micro Mulch - NO SEED

Our Product
Combination of Greens Grade Granulated Compost and Kiln Dried USGA Spec Sand
Perfect mix to help heal zoysia divots all year long
Reduces healing time in zoysia down to 2.5-3 weeks based on our trials
Great product to use on Bermuda golf tees and sports fields during the shoulder season to help with divots and wear spots
No Seed so you don't have to worry about contamination
Dry and easy to spread by hand, through a rotary spreader or drop spreader
This product is not recommended for use on cool season tees, greens, or fairways as the dark color absorbs heat from the sun and will cause potential burning
The below photos were taken at Augusta Country Club in August Georgia on their Zeon Zoysia tees using our Micro Mulch product. The results speak for themselves:

August 8th

August 15th

August 25th
TurfMend Micro Mulch is available in 50 lb bags (covers up to 415 sq ft.) and is also available in 2000 lb totes.