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TurfMend Chewings


Our Product

  • 100% Chewings -

  • 100% Raw Seed - No coated seed available in this blend

  • Granulated Compost and Green USGA-spec sand mixes are available.


  • Fast Establishment

  • Ability to Self Repair

  • Acts as a nurse grass and allows you to repair divots quickly while ensuring you keep your original bent variety

  • Prevents members from contaminating rough with bentgrass

  • Drought Tolerance

  • Speed of Germination

  • Shade Tolerance

  • Low to Moderate Fertility

  • Disease Resistance

Chewings Fescue

TurfMend Chewings - sand mix is fast becoming our most popular blend for many reasons, but among the most popular are it helps prevent contamination in rough and it helps to ensure your tees and fairways are healed up and ready to go for your members and guests. 


TurfMend products with compost come 35 lb bags (covers up to 425 sq. ft).  Sand mixes come in both 15 lb bags (covers up to 125 sq ft.)  and 50 lb bags (covers up to 415 sq ft.)  Both products are also available in 2000lb totes.

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