TurfMend Tall Fescue

Our Product
100% Barenbrug Turf Saver Rhizomatous Tall Fescue Blend
Granulated compost or USGA-spec sand mixes available.
Fast Establishment
Ability to Self Repair
Traffic Tolerance
Drought Tolerance
Speed of Germination
Shade Tolerance
Low to Moderate Fertility
Disease Resistance
Barenbrug Turf Saver RTF
Barenbrug Turf Saver RTF is the most advanced tall fescue blend available, providing the benefits of rhizomes not found in any other
varieties. Turf Saver RTF is deep-rooted and heat-tolerant, and has been proven to mend damaged turf and maintain both uniformity and density.
A blend featuring 40% RTF varieties combined with two high quality turf-type tall fescues
Including BarRobusto: a dark green tall fescue with high brown patch resistance and is certified for above average drought tolerance, compared to fellow turf-type tall fescues, by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance
Quick to establish with very good uniformity and density
Strong traffic tolerance — the only self-repairing tall fescue seed mixture available
Extensive, deep root system
Saves 30% water over other cool season grasses
Strong disease resistance and insect tolerance
Yellow Jacket®
Yellow Jacket® Enhanced Seed Coating is made from a super absorbent starch based product which is capable of holding up to 600 times its weight in water. Yellow Jacket also contains Apron XL fungicide, designed to protect vulnerable seed and emerging root hairs from several fungal diseases.
TurfMend products with compost come in 35 lb bags (covers up to 425 sq. ft). Sand mixes come in 50 lb bags (covers up to 415 sq ft.) Both products are also available in 2000 lb totes.