TurfMend Bent
Our Product
TurfMend Bent
100% Bent Grass
USGA-spec sand mixes available.
70/30 Chewings/Bent blends available
We are excited to be able to offer the below varieties in ourTurfMend Bent product in both raw form or with Yellow Jacket Coating. Click on the link to learn more about each variety:
Available Varieties
Universal Blend - T-1, V8 and Nightlife
All bent varieties can be mixed with Chewings for a 70/30 blend with 2lbs Chewings and .6lbs bent in a 50lb bag
Bent With Yellow Jacket Coating:
Independent studies conducted at the University of New Mexico and Ohio State University both concluded that bentgrass coated with
Yellow Jacket consistently out-performs uncoated bentgrass in all turf establishment categories such as: germination, seedling disease protection, and plant establishment when compared to uncoated varieties – all while reducing water consumption and establishment costs.
Yellow Jacket®
Yellow Jacket® Enhanced Seed Coating is made from a super absorbent starch based product which is capable of holding up to 600 times its weight in water. Yellow Jacket also contains Apron XL fungicide, designed to protect vulnerable seed and emerging root hairs from several fungal diseases.
TurfMend products with compost come in 35 lb bags (covers up to 425 sq. ft). Sand mixes come in 50 lb bags (covers up to 415 sq ft.) Both products are also available in 2000lb totes.
At the University of New Mexico, Barenbrug compared Yellow Jacket coated seed with uncoated seed under conditions of both high moisture (96% E.T.) and low moisture (56% E.T.). At 92 days after seeding, coated seed showed an increase of 10 points in percent cover compared to uncoated seed at the high moisture content level. At the low moisture level, coated seed showed an increase of 13 points in percent cover. At Ohio State University, SuperCharged bentgrass even improved percent germination 7 days after seeding compared to uncoated seed. Improved germination and faster establishment are critical factors in reducing seedling disease pressure, out-competing weeds, and ultimately bringing a bentgrass surface more quickly into play.